Book Cover Design

New year, new skin ♥

Poetry is a form of art – inexplicable in its ability to communicate, resonate and provoke.

I said that back in 2014, when I founded Paperfields Press, and it’s a sentiment I still agree with. Words, like artwork, can cause a deep stirring in my heart, mind, and soul. Not all, but some, and not often, but sometimes.

Similarly, a poetry book is a form of art, and it’s important (but not always easy on an indie budget) to match the cover with the content. When I think back to my first book and the cover I envisioned, my budget to commission a cover and my skills to design a cover were zero. As a result, the outcome was disappointing.

But that disappointment also fuelled my desire to start at the bottom and learn everything I could, any way I could.

2020 marks the seventh year of my independent writing and publishing journey

With 7 years in the rearview mirror, I’m grateful for that disappointing start, because I have finally reached a place where I can say that I’ve come a long way indeed. While it has been an uphill struggle at times, and I have lambasted myself plenty along the way, I have persevered nonetheless and trusted the advice I give to my children…

practice leads to progress

Et voilà

Over the Christmas break, with my first novel behind me, I turned my attention to three of my poetry book covers (which all needed a facelift, as far as I was concerned)…and discovered an artist called Anna Ismagilova, whose work really resonated with me. Et voilà, the planets finally aligned—artwork + design skill = beautiful books ♥


In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm… in the real world all rests on perseverance.
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

All ebooks available via global links below:-

Passage –
Love is a song she sang from a cage –
Butterfly Voyage –

All print books available via links below:

Bianca Bowers is an immigrant, best-selling poetry author, novelist and award-winning poetry editor. She holds a BA in English and Film/TV/Media Studies and has authored several books through her imprints Paperfields Press and Auteur Books. She is known for her deeply personal writing style that seamlessly weaves cultural and literary references into work that is informed by life experience and inspired by love, relationships, personal evolution, and the human condition. Bianca’s first poems were published in 1999, in the esteemed New Zealand poetry anthology, Tongue in your Ear. Since then, Bianca’s poems have appeared in various print anthologies, online journals and a trailer for a short film.

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