Art + Poetry

Endless Walk

I found this poem in my archives. Written in 2014. Still one of my favourites. 

She took to the sky, like a bird.
Limbs of a heron,
angles and curves, wrapped in feathers.

I followed her red heels 
and spiky mood. 
A love leash, between us.
Lightning rod parasols, above.
Red heels and raven claws 
on a sky trapeze.

Her thoughts travelled down her heels, 
converged with the wire,
Offered sibilations, beyond translation.
Her intentions remained as enigmatic as her destination
but still I followed…

She was an exclamation in the sky;
a wordless statement.
Her ivory limbs, organic extensions 
from feathered joints.
A living art exhibit,
fashioned from raven plumage.

The sky embraced her glossy charm.
The lightning caught its reflection
in her electric limbs,
and spared her its wrath.
Even the rain parted around her curves,
as if she were a journeying cloud.

She possessed my feathered freedom
and even though I wasn’t a migratory bird
she compelled my raven claws 
to follow her red heels 
on an endless walk.

Bianca Bowers is an immigrant, best-selling poetry author, novelist and award-winning poetry editor. She holds a BA in English and Film/TV/Media Studies and has authored several books through her imprints Paperfields Press and Auteur Books. She is known for her deeply personal writing style that seamlessly weaves cultural and literary references into work that is informed by life experience and inspired by love, relationships, personal evolution, and the human condition. Bianca’s first poems were published in 1999, in the esteemed New Zealand poetry anthology, Tongue in your Ear. Since then, Bianca’s poems have appeared in various print anthologies, online journals and a trailer for a short film.


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