• Writing Tips

    3 F’s for Writers

    This is one of several Archive posts after losing 3 years of content a little while back (you can read that here). Are you complicating your writing life? If you… Treat writing like a hobby, Spend more time on social media than writing, Have more WIPs than completed Manuscripts, and Focus on publishing versus building a portfolio.. Then you might want to simplify your writing life by incorporating the 3 Fs into your writing philosophy. 1. FOCUS The first step to simplifying your writer life is to reassess your role as a writer and adjust your FOCUS… In the 21st Century, writers are expected to do a lot more than…

  • bianca-bowers-writer

    Archive: Writing Dream or Profession?

    First Posted on October 28, 2014 by BGBOWERS Are you gazing at a writing dream or fostering a writing career? That is today’s question… If you’d asked me this question 17 months ago, when I started this blog and began my creative writing journey in earnest, I would have answered “a bit of both”. On the one hand, I believed that hard work and dedication would be key components for genuine progression and eventual success, but, on the other hand, I held a misconception; that passion and purpose (aka a ‘calling’) was enough of a sword to conquer the mythical beast that I perceived writing to be. Between you and me,…